I'm playing catch-up with Barry at the moment, he had a really good day at Jubilee last week with ten Carp off the top to eighteen pounds. We headed up for a late afternoon/evening session and being four fish down my aim was to close the gap, I caught the four fish I needed to draw level but Barry had a single fish to stay one ahead and time ran out as we had to leave the lake.
I returned on Sunday with the intention of getting ahead as much as I could for Barry to play catch-up in the week. Things started slowly, the hot weather keeping the fish in a lethargic state. The constant feeding brought a couple of fish onto the feed and it wasn't long before one of them graced the bottom of my net.
The next take I had was very unusual and gentle, I lifted into the fish half expecting the water to explode but it didn't, there was a fish there but it wasn't big and came in very easily, it was a small skimmer Bream, a first for me on the fly.
Bream - On the fly! |
I carried on feeding the swim and the fishing improved into the evening with another four fish on the bank to fourteen pounds and six ounces, the biggest of the session which fish stripped all the fly line off the reel, I ended up playing the fish on the backing praying that the join wouldn't slip.
Fourteen six of hard scrapping common. |
At the end of the session I was four ahead but no doubt, as I write this, Barry has been bagging up again on one of his mid week sessions.