Zander have been on the menu lately
and I'm still catching but the biggy I'm after still eludes me. One of my last
sessions was a bit of a catastrophe, I'd gone to Itchy for a late
afternoon/evening session, the rods had been left tackled up after my last Zandering
trip so I was ready to go, that's what I thought until I reached for one of my
bobbins, it was missing and must have pinged off the line somewhere en route to
the canal, these bobbins are little treasures of mine, one offs that can't be
bought. What was going to be a peaceful session turned into a mini disaster as
I walked the stretch from where I'd been dropped off to where I was fishing
searching for a little glow in the dark. Devastated, I botched together another
bobbin so I could carry on with the now shortened session. Despite the
problems, it was a gorgeously clear night with a star filled sky which more
than made up for the mini disaster and lack of bites, I wished on a few
shooting stars and left fishless. The lost bobbin was later found at home, few!
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A Frosty Start. |
The following morning was a frosty
start at a new venue, for several years, I've seen plenty of tantalising
glimpses of this lake from the nearby road and I've always liked the look of
the place. A couple of weeks ago, after a reliable recommendation, I visited
the lake for a bit of a recce, it's very urban, it contained the target species
we were after, Pike, so it had to be worth a go. There were plenty of signs of
previous angling taking place and the lake looked tired after years of being fished
by NED's and the E.E.F.E.D (Eastern European Fish Eating Disease) I suppose we
have to expect this from such an urban site and it's what puts a lot of
anglers off fishing such places but it still had an appeal to it with plenty of
features to fish to, there wasn't any fishing pegs as such just sections of
clear bank trodden bare by plenty of fishing feet. We started off at the far
end of the pool and made our way down the bank to a couple of spots in amongst
the frost covered reeds, it was shallow, so uncomfortably shallow that I think
the local canal is deeper, we gave it a go regardless.
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Settled in. |
A few other anglers were working their
way around the pool, all spinning and all local, we asked a few what the
fishing was like and a picture of the lake became a little clearer, it
contained plenty of smaller species like Roach, Rudd and Tench so plenty of
food for a population of Pike. A few non angling passersby told tales of the
lakes bigger inhabitants and where they were seen being caught (not where we
were fishing) we nodded in agreement like we knew about the place, gave it ten
minutes and made a move to the 'fishier' end of the lake. The tales continued
as we chatted to other locals, angling and non angling, we both gave each other
a smiling glance when we heard one dog walker tell tales of at least one
'Grandad Pike' residing here, that's got to be worth a good go this winter.
We kept at it, biteless, all session,
I'm not sure if I can use the frost and the bright sunshine as a good enough excuse
but the place looked dead, as I write this now the temperature outside is a
little more favourable and overcast which I would have preferred but we can't
book the weather can we? As the sun reached the horizon and the chilly breeze
eased, parts of the lake looked as though it was being rained on as loads of
small fry dimpled on the surface, a few larger fish topped here and there and
we felt that a bite had been earned and was well overdue. Barry's rod was soon
away as a little toothy critter made off with his deadbait; it didn't take too
long to get it in the net, unhooked and released to sulk in the margins.
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The small toothy one and his Pike! |
Once again, I remained fishless but a
new venue is a bit of a learning curve so role on the next session and watch
out that Grandad Pike!