Sunday, the third day of sunshine, hardly any wind, I was determined not to blank today so went to Jubilee with the fly rod. I've had my eye on a swim for a few weeks, the casting space was good but every time I've thought about fishing there it's been occupied, today was the first opportunity to fish from this peg and it proved to be successful with a fish within the first hour. The fish was a hard fighting, good sized common that emptied the reel to the backing on the first run, After netting I left the Carp in the margins whilst I sorted things out, I had to change a set of batteries in my camera as the first set was flat then after that I found that I couldn't give the fish a number as the battery in my digi scales was also flat, must put the Reuben's back in the bag when I get home.

(Bad photo alert!) The Carp was a double around twelve pound.
I had a few missed takes after this fish and made the decision to move around the lake and find some less spooked fish, ended up on my favourite peg across the bay from my first peg, same fish, just as spooked.

One was bound to slip up again, I kept at it and banked another smaller common before the end of the session.
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